Monday, July 11, 2011

rhyme anytime

When it comes to being an artist
I don't know where to begin
But I can rhyme anytime
Just hand me a pencil or pen

Manners - Etiquette - Emily Post - Ugh!

If I just didn't have to eat when company came around
If I could eat in private - miss those banquets in our town
My food would taste much better, my drink would be much wetter
And I wouldn't start to choking when the food was passing down!

If I could eat all by myself I wouldn't have to know
How to get the lobster from it's shell, or hold my knife just so -
It really wouldn't matter how I cleaned up my platter
No one else would ever-ever know!

If there were no one else but me each time that dinner came
I'd do exactly as I pleased and for supper do the same
I could chomp my carrots loudly, slurp my soup up proudly
And NO ONE ever, ever could complain!


P.S. I had to teach a lesson on "Table manners" in my MIA lesson so I began it with this poem.