Friday, April 9, 2010

Reflections Of 1930-1940

I was there- I knew those years.

This was the span between two world wars - the lean years - depression years. I saw the needy, the poor, the unemployed.

The 1930's brought severe economic difficulties to most parts of the world. Panic was there. 5,504 banks closed within three years. I saw the people frantically drawing out their money, hiding it under the mattresses. President Franklin D. Roosevelt brought about the W.P.A. and other government assistance programs. The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints recognized the government needed some relief from this burden and that the church must help to shoulder some of the burden. All bishops were notified, "Watch over your poor." They organized through Harold B. Lee the churchwide welfare program. President Clark stressed to the people, "Prepare a one year's food supply." Deseret Industries came into being.

It was bad times economically, and perhaps good times for compassion, humility, yes - gratefulness for welfare.

And where was the woman - what was her role? She was at home, in the home. Strengthening, stabilizing, making over, making do, and keeping order and beauty within her walls of her humble home.

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