Thursday, April 8, 2010

Her Noblest Calling

Oh a woman seems to know
How she fits into the plan
For God gave her a special part
Since before the time of man.

She knows that she was sent to Earth
To add that special touch
To stand beside her husband
Who needs her very much.

God gave to her a gentleness
None like any other
He filled her heart with tenderness
And the He called her "mother."

Oh who could sing the lullabies
Or teach a small child prayer
Who would fill the cookie jar
If mother isn't there?

It's the simple everyday things
The sharing & giving -
The caring, hoping, praying -
That makes a life worth living.

And she knows the many battles
That she herself must fight
To drive away the darkness
And bring about the light.

Even when its bad times
And there's just a crust of bread,
Her children turn & trust her
And their hungry souls are fed.

It doesn't really matter
If she's rich or if she's poor
If the home is small & humble
Or full of wealth galore.

If she dwells within a mansion
She is needed just the same
To fill it full of laughter
And drive away the rain.

It is such a sweet fulfillment
That is known to her alone
To keep that bit of Heaven
There inside her earthly home.

She knows her noblest calling
Is to guide her family
That they may be together
For all eternity.

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