Saturday, May 22, 2010

Contentment, By The Farmers Wife

I watched the closing day descend, the amber sunset glowing
The spacious sky held birds in flight, I heard the cattle lowing
My eyes beheld the fields of grain spread out as far as eye could see
The cooling shadows softly fell encircled by majestic tree

And peace spread o'er my valley as I felt the day depart
The quietness of evening placed thoughts within my heart
Dear Lord, Oh let me thank thee - for all of this that's mine
The sweet contentment that I feel and for Your love divine

A husband here beside me, my cup, it runneth o'er
A baby in my arms to love and still Thou givest more
Oh tell me, what is it Thou would have me do?
I know I must repay for all these joys and blessings that are mine today!

And as I paused and wondered, the words came strong and true
Just spread your love to others - as I have given you!

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