Monday, April 12, 2010

My Glimpse Of Happiness

My Dear,

There's so much in my heart today as I reflect the years,
It's filled with mixed emotions -- laughter, hope -- and fears.

It's heavy laden -- packed with thoughts -- resentment, hate, defeat.
I look again and there I find -- contentment, memories sweet.

Then anger pulls my heartstrings, yet pulling just as strong
Are love and deep devotion -- may these outweigh the wrong.

Yes, woven through the good years now -- are disappointments too
Still threaded through the pattern are these words -- "I love you."

Dear God, lift out the bitterness that creeps into my heart
Lift up this shadow from me, make all the bad depart.

Oh dear God, forgive me if I show ungratefulness
For I am truly thankful for my glimpse of happiness!

But could it be I feel this way because I've known true bliss?
Because I've tasted heaven on earth? (I'll always cherish this).

When one has watched a rosebud unfolding to full bloom
His soul cries out, to see it plucked, it's beauty robbed too soon!

If footsteps could go backward how happy I would be
I'd never tire until I found my lost tranquility.

I do not know how long my feet will tread this path that's mine
Must I walk to eternity not finding joy sublime.

There's so much in my heart today, it's reaching out once more
To hold the peace, contentment -- that it has known before.


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