Sunday, April 11, 2010

Christmas Time Of '99

Dear Friend,

This is the year I cannot come up with fancy rhyme or cheery Christmas greeting.
It is my turn to just talk and unload those inner feelings here in my heart.

My 42 year old daughter, Joan, in a few split seconds watched her world shatter and fall apart. Her devoted, caring husband, father of four, lost his life at an intersection south of my family room window. It was a beautiful, April 16th, spring day.

So it is our turn, as a family to acknowledge God's way, His plan. And 'though our vision is dim, God sees all and cares. And as we look up to him and trust, our eyes do open a little wider and we see and more fully appreciate the blessings of eternal life!

And now as we look forward toward the horizon of a new year we are learning that life is good and appreciated and that we again are counting our NUMEROUS blessings and realizing that we must savor every precious moment given unto us.

May you too, partake of all that God is offering each of us. May we all together look forward to this glorious new year with grateful hearts!


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