Friday, April 16, 2010

Brother & Sister Pickering

Dear Brother and Sister Pickering,

It is a pleasure to express thoughts of appreciation to you - because it will be so easy, sincere, and from the heart.

When I said "Yes" to Sam - and became Mrs. Samuel B. Groom on December 29, 1987, I anticipated the many changes that would come into my life.

One of the greatest highlights has been working in the St. George temple, and a big part of that has been getting to know you, Brother and Sister Pickering, our supervisors.

To you, Sister Pickering, in my memory I shall always see your black popping eyes, expressing the enthusiasm that lies within your soul. Your love of life radiates - your quick steps - (and excuse me, your tiny waist) make up the part of you I will remember.

And then when I add to this the "always" smile of you, Brother Pickering, I see before my eyes the scripture, "Let your light so shine . . . (and) glorify your Father, which is in Heaven." To me this is the gospel ("good news"). We should be the happiest people on earth and we should show it - and you do!

In Appreciation

All things come to pass, they say
And soon you will move on
To other heights of service
You'll always carry on!

These are thoughts I'll keep of you
They'll always be a part
Of special memories I'll hold
Tucked deep within my heart.

Always we would find you there
Steadfast and early too!
Gleaning and rearranging
The work we'd have to do.

And one thing I could count on
I knew I'd hear you say
As you'd look down on your schedule
"It's going to be a good day!"

Cheerfulness is a part of you
I always find it there
Kindness always on your lips
You give concern & care.

The world's a better place, I know,
For all the lives you touch
I thank you very much!

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