Thursday, April 15, 2010

Story Of Our Lives

I've just been adding and totaling since two thousand three has begun
So many paths we've traveled, let's turn each page one by one.

We've sung our "Happy Birthdays" blown the candles, had our cake
Jumped so high from our Palladium seats as those three pointers she would make!

We've watched the Priesthood circle and hold within their arms,
A tiny little baby boy so cuddly and warm.

And then we've heard his father's voice so touched with gratitude and love,
Pronounce his name, then blessings sought from our Father up above.

Now we're dining out together. It's grandma and her children, all.
Enjoying, talking laughing! Oh the memories we'd recall!

And now I look upon him, this fine young man sits there -
His father's hands upon his head, in my heart a silent prayer!
For he's ordained to be a priest, advancing on his way
And all the family gathered there upon this Sabbath day!

Now there is a time and a season as we each fulfill our years
The family has all gathered - at the graveside shedding tears.

So here is the other season, wedding bells, the bride's bouquet!
See the sparkling girl who caught it, she knows her turn's not far away.

Not wedding bells but school bells are starting now to ring
It's seminary graduation and "Good Old School Goodbye" she'll sing!
And the nearly college graduate is locking up his flat
To head to spacious new green fields he's so anxious to be at!

And so we turn the calendar page, we're to the month of June
And we all know that "Summer Theater" is coming up real soon!
Time to play and drop the work, for the wolf to make his howls
And how it amazed us all to see those big eyed, hooting owls!

And those hyenas with their mocking laugh, we laughed through every minute --
The ghost, the skunk that sprayed around! ('Twas only water in it).

Hot summer's now upon us, July parade comes down the street
To see that bright pink dress swing by, 'twas worth sitting in that heat!

And as we see the waving flag, our loyalty breaks through
We love our town, our country free, our own red, white, and blue!

And oh the joy of families -- the blessings heaven sends
This, the greatest gift of all -- the gift that never ends!

August 9, 2003

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