Friday, April 16, 2010

The Wind

By Geneva Pace

Here I sit trying to think
And write a few lines at least
But the wind is louder than my thoughts
With fierce sounds that never cease.

So I just sit here alone looking out
Listening to it howl and watching it blow
The trees swayand the grease-woods dodge
Every little twig is bending to and fro.

The pretty white seagulls are baffled too -
Up with the wind they whirl then down they come
The sparrow's nest is empty, riddled and torn
And the Killdeer that sang so sweet, has gone.

The sun sets back in a milky sky -
Casting a gloom on the dust parade
The water dashes up like dirty snow
And there's a few trails the wind has made.

Mountains have disappeared far in the dust
And green fields look like the deseret sand
The loose gates bang and the windows shake
The cows in the corral are too nervous to stand.

So how can I think in a day like this
With the noise of wind and its haunting tune
I'll wait until the Killdeer sings again
And the air is filled with the Iris perfume.

Geneva's thoughts: One time when I was living on the farm, a terrible wind was blowing. I sat there looking out on the dreary day with my pencil and paper in my had to write something to help one of my daughters with a talk she was to give in Stake Mutual, but the wind was blowing most forcefully and I could not settel down to write as I became restless with the wind and wrote of it.

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