Wednesday, April 14, 2010

They Need Me

One little part of my environment has gone by me -- unnoticed. Through my family rearing years with seven children and a husband in the house, I've paid no attention to the pets -- the cats, dogs, puppies and what have you. I don't want to suggest that I've been cold and unresponsive. I have admired them, talked to them, but actually caring for their needs never crossed my mind. It's just that my minutes and seconds were tremendously scheduled and I subconciously, knew all eight of my household were warm, affectionate, and caring toward them.

Well, 1978 found me alone for the first time in this big house with major adjustments. I came to realize one day the cats were being neglected. I looked upon them suddenly thinking, "Where are the people of this house that have cared for you through the years? They are gone and now you have become my inescapable responsibility."

I am proud of my progress. They are my new friends. Each time I return home from the office they run to meet me. The gray cat and the white cat follow me to the clothes line, the garden, the incinerator and the mailbox. They have turned to me and I am needed.

When I am late getting home -- starved -- and meet the meowing cats I cannot eat one bite until their bowl is filled. My love and awareness of animals has taken on a warm, joyous feeling in life. I found myself, the other day, running across the lawn like a streak of lightning to shoo the cat away from a broken-winged bird. I arrived home last night and found one glass of milk left in the refrigerator. My purring cat, who had greeted me at my driveway with such pleading eyes caused me to go back outside and share it 50-50. What a satisfying experience!

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