Friday, April 9, 2010

Grandma's Christmas List 2007 - To My Dear Children

I know that there will always be, when Christmas time draws near
A call from you, to make my list, what would I like this year.

Now I'll try to be real helpful, I'll try to ease your stress.
And give to you my Christmas list, so you won't have to guess.

I don't need clothes, none of those, if you look in my closet, you'd see
They're packed in so tight, but they all fit just right, since 1973.

I like canned soups to have on hand but I like it best if it's Western Family Brand.
'Cause you know me, I'm a saver; and those high priced foods take away good flavor.

I've got vases, candles, crafts & statues there's simply no room for more.
So please, as you Christmas shop this year, just leave them ALL at the store.

If you give me any spicy treats they'll irritate my tummy
Plain potato chips and Cheetos are yummy, yummy, yummy!

Good books are so very nice, that's what I've been a-cravin'.
But when I look, in a book, I can't see what it's sayin'.

Oh yes, I do like lotions, my skin's not like it used to be.
I've wrinkles here & wrinkles there; I don't like what I see.

And though I have a good supply, I could always use another.
'Cause my bottles empty quickly now there's so much more to cover.

And I can't end my Christmas list until I've mentioned sweets.
Hershey's, Milky Ways and Mars are all my special treats!

It feels so good to be this age, and forget about my weight.
But I'd still pay close attention, if I could only find a mate!

I'm glad to give you this advice, now you'll know just what to do.
So Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy New Year too!

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