Saturday, April 10, 2010

Music : An Inspirational Gift From God

Music was created by God that we might have joy, that we might more fully feel of His spirit. Great music strikes the strings of the inner self. We know that before the foundation of this earth that glorious angels sang glad tidings. God asks Job, "Where wast thou when the foundations of the earth were laid and the morning stars sang together."

When Jesus was born as the little babe in Bethlehem, heavenly angels sang, joyously announcing this powerful and wondrous occasion. We have even been told and wondered if we were there.

The Lord is pleased when we sing.

Now He wants us to sing from our heart and he doesn't care how we sound, how we sing. Remember He told the Prophet Joseph's wife, Emma, He said, "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart."

Let's sing a song right now. Do you have a favorite you want to sing?

"Did You Think To Pray"

I want to tell you about an experience that this hymn plays a part in. One of our great church leaders, Rex Pinegar, met with a terrible accident. He was seriously burned and the explosion took his eye sight. he lay in the operating room in Spanish Fork where Dr. Moody was trying to repair as best he could the damages from the explosion. Now some of you may know that Dr. Moody married a girl from Oak City. Elder Pinegar had his father nearby and he asked for a blessing. In that blessing his father said, "Now Rex, if you have faith, the Lord will make you whole." Elder Pinegar said into his mind came the song, "Ere you left your room this morning, did you think to pray? Oh how praying rests the weary, prayer will change the night to day." Surely he did need this night to turn to day. And for the 2 1/2 hours he lay on the operating table, he actually hummed and thought of those words with fervent prayer. He had the great faith and the Lord blessed him with His healing power.

Now maybe some of you have had a special experience with one of our beautiful hymns. The Lord does speak to us in song.

I lost my husband suddenly and unexpectedly. He was getting dressed to go to work and had a sudden heart attack. I was in my fifties. Oh the world looked so dreary and long before me. I looked out toward all the long years that were ahead. I walked into church one morning. It was a snowy and blustery day. And the opening hymn was "Lead Kindly Light" and these words penetrated deep into my soul of, "I do not ask to see the distant shore, one step enough for me." I was soothed and quieted and I felt the whisperings to me, "Don't look way out beyond, be peaceful this day. Know of the Lord's love upon you this day. Count your blessings this day."

Sisters I received a comforting lesson and I pray that you too can find peace on this day. Today be comforted and grateful.

May we feel of the Lord's goodness and concern and care for us.

For Care Wing
October 30, 1991

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