Friday, April 9, 2010

My Mother

In thoughtful meditation and deep humility
I thank God for the mother that He has given me.

She took my hand in childhood, and lead me through each day
Showing me the beautiful as I went on my way.

I saw the morning roses, dew-dropped by early dawn
I touched their fragrant petals, and heard the thrushes song.

Each day she took me farther, revealing beauties here
And life gave its portrayal, unfolding year by year.

Forseeable and wise was she, you see, my mother knew
That if I found the beautiful, I would find God too.

For He is the creator of all the good I see,
And all I hear, or touch, or think, becomes a part of me.

But then she took her hand from mine, and bid me walk alone.
That I might seek and search and find life's purpose on my own.

For this if God's great plan for us and this she also knew
That I was placed upon this earth to choose what I would do.

That I could never truly see through someone else's eyes
The depth of God's great beauty, nor could I realize --

The pattern that God made for us to bring us joy sublime
Unless I searched with all my heart and made His pattern mine.

And so I faced a highway I hadn't walked before
Left alone, to choose, decide, what I was looking for.

The cross roads stretched before me, each urging me to come
I felt afraid and insecure. I didn't know which one.

And when my footsteps faltered, I fought for courage strong
That I might know just where to step. I reasoned right from wrong.

And then a spark within me, nurtured from my youth
Cried out for the beautiful and I found light and truth.

--I beheld the roses, exquisite, precious, rare!
Enhanced so much from early years! I felt God's presence there!

The music from the thrushes throat was like a symphony
That penetrated through my soul - then left tranquility!

I would that all the mothers were as wise and true as mine
She showed the way, then let me seek. I found God's plan-divine.

February 3, 1967

Orvetta's thoughts: So many grateful thoughts have grown in my heart through the years. Among these is a deep appreciation for a wise and noble mother. She gave me from my early beginning a life with love, beauty, and natural understanding of God. I can not remember back far enough when He was not an important part of my life. Mother's good example, sweet influence, and love for culture and beauty was so impressionable. How deeply rooted our early impressions are. Yet through my maturing years I was never forced or dominated by her beliefs. This gave me the opportunity to search and seek for myself, which is one of God's greatest gifts to man. Because of this my life has grown rich with meaning. I would like to express my gratitude to her in this poem.

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