Friday, April 9, 2010

These Hours Are Mine

Today I came home from the office and found the house more quiet & more orderly than usual.

The leaves have been scurrying & rattling across the sidewalk - the big red berry bush on the north-west corner of my back porch has suddenly stood out most naturally in the bright dry gold, while all the other shrubs are clinging to their summer green. Autumn is beautiful and it's great to look around and feel the chilly sky & spaciousness about me.

I am just catching my breath now that two fall weddings have just come to pass in our family - with Joan August 5th and John September 23rd. And before the echo of the wedding bells had completely diminished, mother passed away from us September 28. On October 1st we laid our dear sweet patient 85 year old mother to peaceful rest. But then on the heels of this came Mary Lou's divorce - finally finalized October 13th.

Yes, these fall days have been filled with ups & downs of joys, tenderness, tears, decision, happiness, sorrows, anxieties, and rushings.

And Fall, let me apologize to you. You have been so beautiful and I'm sure with all of these happenings I have let some of your beauty slip through my fingers. But tonight I am with you, and I'm feeling a touch of normality and everyday simplicity once more taking it's place.

And tonight I need no clocks - these hours are mine. I think I'll scramble through my scrap-drawer for I feel a creative mood coming on and a touch of excitement for Christmas gift making. Oh here's these little scraps of quilted cottons - just right for some bright gay hot pads.

And here's my husband home from work. Tonight he looks so good to me. The house has been strangely silent and his company warms the room and makes everything seem right. Bless him. He's helping me choose the color of tapes for trimming- he's always been this way.

This reminds me, our first little black haired daughter Kathleen never knew that at six months of age her daddy came in and found me at the sewing machine deciding trimming for her printed cottons, and he got into the excitement of helping me choose for her.

And tonight we're sewing hot-pads for her kitchen & Julie's kitchen & Mary Lou's kitchen & Joan's kitchen - when only yesterday we were trimming dresses for little puffed sleeves with dimpled arms.

And now again I feel the quietness and orderliness of the house.

Yes Autumn, you are beautiful, but don't come too soon. Let the summer green linger just a little longer.

{To add in my life's story - October 1977}

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