Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Summer Night's Dream

'Twas the night before conference and the Stake M.I.A.
Were having a meeting to make sure that they --

Had completed each detail and used their persuasion
In getting each ward to this special occasion!

With Eldro conducting the meeting with care
Each gave their report as to who would be there.

Excuses, excuses were all that they heard.
And as time passed along they grew more disturbed.

Donetta had said she just couldn't get away
Her family was used to three square meals a day.

Bruce said, "I've taken more days from work that I ever had planned.
If I ask for one more I am sure I'll get canned."

What about Elwyn? He's his own boss, you know
Nobody tells him - if he wants to, he'll go.

He says he might send his better half
But it's the day he's expecting his old cow to calve.

Clayton said if he went his name would be mud
For during his absence his cow barn would flood.

Phil Eliason said if he went he'd be really impressed.
But he's staying home, it's the "Days of the Old West."

Dean Talbot says he can't go, he's working night and day
It's out of the question, he's bailing hay.

They ended their meeting in deepest despair
It didn't look like they would get many there.

So they said their "Goodnights" and went home to their beds
While visions of conference danced in their heads.

When what to their wondering eyes should appear
But their M.I.A. leaders so loyal and dear.

Donetta frying chicken, a batch of fresh bread
Saying, "I'm going to Conference and they'll be well fed."

They looked in on Bruce and they heard his boss say
"Sure take the day off and take it with pay."

And then they saw Clayton locking his dairy
His eyes - how they twinkled. His dimples - how merry!

And then they saw Dean, off to dream land he went
The look on his face showed blissful content.

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow
The hay was all in and to conference he'd go!

More rapid than eagles to June conference they came
And they thrilled as they saw them and called them by name.

There's Beulah & Jean & Klee & Wayne Sorenson
There's Ruby & Betty & there's Elwyn Johnson.

As they counted them all their hearts filled with content
Every ward there with one hundred percent!

Now this is a dream that we wish would come true
But only the strong, we know will come through.

Life's full of decisions each must decide
If he'll honor his calling or cast it aside.

Yes, who will we see there? Those with desire
To learn and improve, to lead and inspire.

They who are seekers of goodness and truth
They who have love in their hearts for the youth.

I would that our dreams could really come true
Will we see you at conference? It's all up to you!

Orvetta's notes on the poem: "When I sat down to compose this - in MAY - a few snowflakes began to fall - thus I got the inspiration to follow the rhythm & pattern of "Twas the night before Christmas." As I gave this poem, I explained this & got a laugh on that warm summer night!"

Composed for Deseret Stake M.I.A. Leadership Meeting [to encourage all to go to June Conference].
Given May 15, 1967.

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