Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tribute to Outgoing Stake Y.M.M.I.A. Executives

When so many thoughts and memories are tucked inside each heart
How do we find those special words -- our thanks to you impart.

So many glorious times we've shared that we shall always treasure
So many rich experiences -- impossible to measure.

The Early Morning Breakfasts with those lively girls and boys
The camping trips -- the firesides -- will leave us lasting joys.

That sleigh ride in the winter snow -- the prom so well attended
Left our spirits all aglow as that perfect evening ended.

And a scene we shall always remember as we gazed on a gorgeous view
Of our 32 dancers at Conference -- it thrilled us all through and through.

The messages at conference -- watching each new theme revealed
By the time we started to our homes -- our heads and hearts and eyes were filled.

Yet along with all these lovely things -- we've had our headaches too
Like trying to cut the budget while adding programs new.

Or pleading with the wards to get reports sent in on time
Then when they'd come we'd find again a page of vacant lines.

That horse back ride on the desert til you ached and hurt all over
Then rushing to that workshop -- had to learn the "Bosanova."

Those nearly midnight meetings -- always later than we planned
For some how as time kept ticking on -- our problems would expand.

Like making reservations for our dancers in the city
When we got the letter back -- it threw us in a tizzy.

Not a single room was left -- Nan had struggled so
Who could board these 32 kids -- those dancers had to go!

The constant tactful toning down of the Combo's hired to play
Has taught us tolerance and love for the music of our day.

Yes we have had our ups and downs -- it hasn't all been roses
Plans don't always work the way that everyone supposes.

Our recent "Sunday" New year's eve -- that collected most the town
Was one that I would say contained the ups and then some downs.

And remember when we were performing -- our play, "It beings with Balloons"
The kids knew their lines to perfection -- the chorus was right on tune

When all of a sudden they started to smile and they were forgetting to sing
For their eyes were cast down on Eldro -- he had fallen flat off left wing.

And who could count the many nails in stage props that went up
The many lights you've switched back stage -- the times you flubbed it up.

Remember that "Home-made" confetti that you cut, sacked and packed by the score.
With aching back and blurry eyes you vowed that never-more.

As the New Year's party ended you swept if all off the floor
With aching back and blurry eyes -- still vowing never-more.

Well we could go on forever -- unfolding our thoughts one by one
But to sum it all up in one sentence "Hasn't it ALL been fun"

Thanks for the many hours you gave -- from all of us we say
It's been our privilege to serve with you -- and work in the M.I.A.

Given March 1, 1968

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