Friday, April 9, 2010

September Morning

Dear Dad,

I stopped by to see you this morning on my usual route as before
Your morning mail was in my hand and the few things from the store
I walked up your narrow driveway, peeked in on your green worn chair
For no matter what the time of day I've always found you there.
But your house is so dim and silent, your slippers set so still
The quietness folds around me and oh - the emptiness I feel
The mailbox holds your paper, your faithful car looks sad
My heart is heavy laden for you are missing, Dad!
I knew that this was coming, I've watched you slowly fade
'Though your spirit's fought to make it, I've been unsure, afraid
And oh, how long our hours have been from May to this September
But precious hours and cherished hours I always will remember
You see, I've had you all my life - a concerned and caring Dad
I've known your trials and sufferings and you have known mine, Dad
And the longer years we've had together, the harder to let go
But I acknowledge His great hand and God has willed this so
And a peaceful thought hangs over me that you have found release
Your suffering has taken wing and you know joy and peace
For God in all His wisdom is a kind and loving friend
So Dad, take care until that day when we shall meet again!

Orvetta's thoughts: I composed this for Dad after he passed away. I gave it at his funeral. I knelt and prayed for help to do this. These words flowed from my pen in a very short time. I thanked the Lord for this help.

Dad passed away September 25, 1974 (84 years of age). In May 1974 we learned he had cancer of the lung. Dad was very bright - alert - tried to suffer silently. Fought to the end.

Funeral & burial September 28th, 1974.

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