Thursday, April 8, 2010

What Is Relief Society?

Relief Society is many things

1. It's knocking on a door with a casserole in hand.
2. It's the smell of fresh bread & glowing fireplaces; bright quilts and happy homes.
3. It's learning to manage time, & money, & children.
4. It's a sharing of thoughts & ideas & testimonies.
5. It's gardens, & canning, & drying & freezing & satisfaction.
6. It's gazing on well filled pantry shelves of pickles, jams with a proud concealed little smile.
7. It's a lump in your throat when a worn wrinkled hand reaches out to express gratitude.
8. It's listening, understanding, inwardly crying. It's praying, it's humility.
9. It's speaking out for truth & righteousness' sake. It's bringing the light out from under the bushel.
10. It's hurrying home to scoop a child up in your arms and saying, "I love you and so does God."
11. Relief Society brings on an increasing love for family and neighbors.
12. It's music -- from lullabies to symphonies.
13. It's a lifting of a soul and a thirst for beauty.
14. It's socials, & flowers and smiles and graciousness.
15. It's correcting weaknesses and setting goals.
16. Yes, Relief Society let's a woman know the world needs her for her virtuousness and lovliness.

It lets a woman feel who she is and realize what she may become.
It lets a woman know why she is here and where she is going.

Relief Society is beautiful.
Let's share it together.

October 1, 1979

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